Headlines in various media associated with mismanagement of its forest reserves raise questions on the water security in Kelantan. The clearing of thousands of hectares of virgin rainforest to accommodate the state government’s effort to develop the state is not just a threat to the diverse flora and fauna in the region but also to the water security of the people of Kelantan.

Mining and land clearing for agricultural use such as the “Projek Ladang Rakyat” doesn’t only affect the quality of water resources but also its quantity. The run-offs due to land clearing brings with it heavy metals and dangerous bacteria which contaminates the river as well as cause sedimentation which affects the quantity of water.

Proper investigation on the proposed projects involving forest clearing should be carried out to identify the risks to the environment as well as the livelihood of the people. No projects should be commenced without proper Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) being completed and the mitigation recommendations being implemented. 

Also, AKSB’s move to increase tariff should be followed by improving the non revenue water (NRW) performance which was at the rate of 52% as of July despite the RM130 million (The Star, 2013) spent on the pipe upgrading works. Furthermore, public participation in the NRW reduction should also be given priority by constantly engaging and educating the consumers on the importance of reporting pipe leakages. Other areas which could be improved are the quality of treated water and customer service. These progresses should be closely monitored not only by AKSB but also SPAN. 

With all of the mechanisms in place, we are looking forward for an improved water supply services by AKSB in near future. 

Mathini Arveena Ravee
Forum Air Malaysia

Explain logging approval, Loh tells Kelantan govt (2013, October 9). The Star Online. Retrieved from http://www.thestar.com.my/News/Nation/2013/10/09/Loh-Seng-Kok-Kelantan.aspx