Since 2014, the oil prices in the world has fell more than 50% after the peak oil price period resulting in today’s low oil price scenario. It has caused a stir around the globe and impacting most of the countries especially the oil producing countries. In Malaysia, the government has responded by slashing the fuel price up 20 sen per liter for all the fuel. Despite the huge reduction of fuel price, goods prices are still hovering around the same price as they were during the peak oil price period. Most of the business associations and manufacturers already mentioned that the high goods prices are basically due to the cost, which includes electricity cost, minimum wages and the reduction of fuel cost is just part of the total cost that they have to bear.

According to FMM, the electricity bill alone can cost up to 20% of the total cost throughout the supply chain. While fuel cost has been lowered, the businesses and manufacturers claimed that it is just a small fraction of the total cost. If electricity tariff to be lowered, manufacturers and businesses have ascertained that the goods prices will reduce as well. Therefore, in order to reduce goods prices, we strongly demanding Tenaga Nasional Berhad, Minisitry of Energy, Green Technology and Water and Energy Commission to revise the electricity tariff as soon as possible.

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Last Updated on Wednesday, 11 February 2015 14:21