THE most important thing about your home office isn’t that it’s an office, or even that it’s at home. The most important thing is that it’s yours. Setting up an office specifically to suit your needs can be a thoroughly liberating pleasure, especially if you’re leaving a corporate environment to spread your wings.

Find Your Space

The first decision is the location of the office, and this can be a pretty tough one. Keep three things in mind: you are executive, secretary, mailroom clerk, receptionist and custodian, all rolled into one, and you will therefore be using a whole range of tools to perform all kinds of jobs.

Privacy Rules!
In many homes, this privacy can only be symbolic, and often has to be guarded by rules and clocks rather than walls or doors. The happiest home workers, however, assert that the most important element of their home office is the door they can close.

If you have children, make sure the spot you pick is away from the playroom for extra quietness. You’ll also always need more room than you think, and you’ll always fill up whatever space you’ve got. Bigger is better.

Spaces to avoid

Never establish your home office in a location that would not be acceptable living space, no matter how great it may seem otherwise. This sounds simple, but it is not. Bad spots are invariably tempting; lots of square footage in a part of the house where no one will bother you. But bad spots are also too cold, hot, damp, bright or dark.

Don’t ever put a home office in a basement or attic that is unfinished because mould and mildew will destroy your electronic equipment and furniture.

Carpets in your office will act as sound barrier and will keep the noise down when people are there. Acoustical walls are another great way to keep out surrounding sound, but they cost more. 

Finally, when configuring your home office, imagine yourself working in it and arrange the furniture accordingly. If you will often use the file cabinet, consider facing the drawers toward your desk. Have your desk and computer stationed within swivel-distance and the telephone easily reachable. Remember to include a guest chair if you will have clients visiting.


Source: News Straits Times - 1Klassifieds - Thursday, September 30, 2010