Category: Keselamatan Produk
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Health and Safety Symbols and Their MeaningsLETTER | The Consumers Association of Penang (CAP) calls on the authorities to come out with mandatory safety standards for cooking gas cylinders.

The call is made in response to the numerous injuries and deaths that occurred due to explosions caused by cooking gas cylinders.

The latest occurred on July 30, when a couple from Johor, was injured in a cooking gas explosion.

Following is the list of cooking gas cylinders accidents and fatalities that have occurred over the years:

While the number might seem marginal, the irreparable damages and casualties wrought by these fires should not be taken lightly.

This is more so when such incidents could easily happen to any household or commercial establishment, sooner than one can think.

According to a doctor, gas explosions are currently one of the most common reasons for admissions to the nation's burns units.

And because of the complexity and severity of such cases, the majority have to be managed in government hospitals, requiring intensive care.

The mortality rate for gas explosion accidents is very high, and roughly corresponds with the surface area of the body involved.

In most cases, if the victim is able to survive the first 24 hours, they will encounter multi-organ complications, infection and organ failure - which all accounts for the high mortality.

In cases where the victim survives, hospitalisation is often for a period of six months or more, with lengthy rehabilitation post-discharge, and if they are ever able to resume work it will be a long time.

Cooking gas is odourless but mercaptan (a pungent-smelling odorant) is added to it so that leaks become detectable.

In a gas explosion, the leak can occur at the cylinder valve or in the connecting rubber hose, or at the oven valve. Each type of leak needs to be treated differently.

Almost every Malaysian household has at least one stove which uses gas (in cylinders) for cooking.

Even though it has been in widespread use by consumers in Malaysia for more than 50 years, there is not much information and education available for consumers on the proper use and maintenance of cooking gas cylinders.

And many of the cylinders used may be old, rusted and poorly maintained.

In view of the danger of gas cylinders explosion, CAP calls on the authorities to: