Thirsty Runner 2016 is an awareness fun run in conjunction with World Water Day 2016.

This is our 3rd year organising this water awareness run.

To all of our great fans, runners, conservation activist, and thirsty runners.

With regrets we will like to announce that the event date has been brought forward to 22nd May 2016. This is due to some technical mishap we are facing.

For those who have registered, option for refund will be given from the registration portal.

We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences which occur from this mishap. But not to worry the new date is a firm date.

We hope that you will support us and make this awareness run great.

Save water, save Malaysia, save the planet

Let's spread the awareness of conserving water.

Run together, fun together, conserve together.

#BeAThirstyRunner #StopWastageSaveWaterSaveLife#ThirstyRunner2016

For more information please visit or facebook page