Category: Hak Asasi Manusia
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JOHOR BARU: The Human Resource Ministry should introduce a new policy to prevent employers from hiring workers based on race and religion, says Johor Consu­merism, Human Resources and Unity Com­mit­tee chairman Dr S. Ramakrish­nan.He said it would help stop employment discrimination and promote healthier competition.“Some jobs might require certain language skills but languages can be learned, so hiring based on race and religion is very ‘un-Malaysian’.“This has been the practice in the previous administration, so we hope that with the change in the government, it should no longer be adopted,” he said yesterday.He said currently, no action could be taken by the government for job advertisement that discriminated other races.

“The most important thing is awareness. We must remember that Malaysia is strong because of its diversity and harmony,” he said.He added that in Johor, no such incident had been reported in the work market.According to the scholarship advertisement, the hospital noted that it preferred to sponsor “Chinese, Siamese, Christian and Indian applicants”.The advertisement, which came under fire from the public, was posted on the Facebook page earlier this month.It has since been deleted.But pictures of the banner with the ad were still accessible on social media.