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30.09.2020 / SATURDAY
Mr. Mirziyoyev announced a number of initiatives of both regional and global character at this Session. I drew attention to two of them, which directly concern protection consumer rights.
The first one is the establishment of the International Code of Voluntary Commitments of States during pandemics.
According to the President of Uzbekistan, this Code “should reflect each state’s commitments to its citizens and international partners.”
The adoption of such a document would soon contribute not only to the improvement of medical services to the population during pandemics, but also its social status, protection of all its rights and interests, including consumer ones.
The second one is “to adopt a special resolution of the UN General Assembly declaring the Aral Sea region an area of ecological innovation and technologies.”
He calls on the world community to cooperate to turn the region into a zone of environmental innovations and technologies.
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September 15, 2020 @ 7:06pm
KUALA LUMPUR: Insurance companies were urged not to increase insurance premium, especially medical insurance, which has become a necessity these days.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (Fomca) president Datuk Dr N. Marimuthu said insurance companies were not portraying what they were championing, health care protection at a time of need.
"The insurance companies are increasing their medical premiums at the time when not only our nation but the whole world is under the attack of the pandemic Covid-19," he said in a statement today.
He said the economy of many countries were at stake, including Malaysia. Many Malaysians of all walks of life had lost their jobs and some even had to take substantial pay cut.
Source: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/09/624757/fomca-urges-insurance-companies-postpone-premium-increase?nid=624757&topicID=1&efr=1
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September 15, 2020 @ 7:06pm
KUALA LUMPUR: Insurance companies were urged not to increase insurance premium, especially medical insurance, which has become a necessity these days.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Association (Fomca) president Datuk Dr N. Marimuthu said insurance companies were not portraying what they were championing, health care protection at a time of need.
"The insurance companies are increasing their medical premiums at the time when not only our nation but the whole world is under the attack of the pandemic Covid-19," he said in a statement today.
He said the economy of many countries were at stake, including Malaysia. Many Malaysians of all walks of life had lost their jobs and some even had to take substantial pay cut.
Source: https://www.nst.com.my/news/nation/2020/09/624757/fomca-urges-insurance-companies-postpone-premium-increase?nid=624757&topicID=1&efr=1
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Rabu | 9 September 2020
SHAH ALAM - Gabungan Persatuan-Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca) tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan kerajaan untuk mengenakan caj perkhidmatan kepada pembeli yang melakukan pembelian dalam talian.
Presidennya, Profesor Datuk Dr N Marimuthu berkata, cadangan berkenaan tidak patut dilaksanakan walaupun cadangan caj yang dikenakan adalah rendah iaitu sebanyak 0.02 peratus.
"Walaupun caj mungkin dikenakan serendah 20 sen bagi pembelian RM1,000 ke bawah tetapi ia juga akhirnya akan membebankan pengguna.
"Mengapa perlu ambil kesempatan untuk kenakan caj pembelian online ini sedangkan banyak lagi alternatif lain yang boleh digunakan kerajaan untuk mencari sumber kewangan," katanya ketika dihubungi Sinar Harian di sini semalam.
Beliau berkata demikian mengulas mengenai kenyataan Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia, Datuk Zahidi Zainul Abidin hari ini bahawa kerajaan bercadang untuk mengenakan caj itu bagi pembelian dalam talian termasuk menerusi portal e-dagang, Lazada dan Shopee.
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7 September 2020 l Isnin
Pada Jun 2020, Pertubuhan Kesihatan Dunia (WHO) telah mengeluarkan kenyataan pemakaian pelitup muka adalah wajib jika penjarakkan sosial tidak dapat dilakukan. Malah pelitup muka jenis fabrik juga dibenarkan oleh pihak WHO tetapi ianya mesti mempunyai 3 lapisan. Berikutan itu, pada 1 Ogos yang lalu, pihak Kerajaan telah menetapkan semua rakyat Malaysia wajib memakai pelitup muka apabila berada di dalam pengangkutan awam dan di kawasan sesak.
Rakyat mula terdesak untuk memakai pelitup muka kerana tidak mahu didenda. Namun begitu, jika pelitup jenis bukan perubatan ini tidak dipantau oleh mana-mana pihak yang berkaitan, besar kemungkinan ada pihak yang mula mengambil kesempatan dengan menjual pelitup muka yang tidak berkualiti atau substandard kepada pengguna.
Persatuan Pengguna-pengguna Standard Malaysia (Standards Users) amat bersetuju dengan kenyataan Dr. Noor Hisham di dalam MalaysiaKini bertarikh 29 Julai 2020 yang menyatakan pihak Kerajaan akan memeriksa keberkesanan pelitup muka kain yang sebenarnya seperti saranan WHO yang mesti mempunyai tiga lapisan dalam tempoh satu bulan ini.
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Strong task force and new law needed to protect water resources, says Fomca president
5 Sep 2020
CONSUMER, civil and pol i t i c al organis at i ons want to see major changes and improvements to existing laws, policies, as well as strong enforcement and harsher penalties against culprits who pollute raw water sources.
Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) president Datuk Dr Marimuthu Nadason said based on the National Water Service Commission’s data last year, water treatment plants were shut down more than 300 times, mainly in Peninsular Malaysia, due to pollution.
“It is time for all government agencies, including the opposition, to tackle this serious issue.”
For example, with the advancement of technology, he said, smart water sensors should be installed at all major rivers and output ducts of factories. He said a strong task force supported by a new law needed to be gazetted to protect the nation’s natural resources.
“Existing industries near water sources should be inspected. An EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) study on each factory should be made mandatory. It is not the right time to blame anyone.”
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Isnin, 3 Ogos 2020 | 12:06pm
KUALA LUMPUR: Beberapa syarikat peminjam wang dikesan menyasarkan pelanggan dalam kalangan pencarum Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) yang akan mengeluarkan caruman penuh atau dari Akaun 2 dengan menawarkan pinjaman mudah lulus.
Menggunakan nama skim sebagai 'pinjaman KWSP', syarikat berkenaan menawarkan pinjaman bagi mereka yang akan mengeluarkan caruman penuh iaitu pada usia 54 dan 55 tahun serta pengeluaran Akaun 2 berusia 49 dan 50 tahun.
Kaedah itu seperti mendahulukan wang caruman kepada peminjam dan dibayar balik apabila caruman dikeluarkan, tetapi tidak dinyatakan kadar faedah atau keuntungan yang dikenakan.
Syarikat terbabit dikesan mengiklankan skim 'pinjam dahulu, bayar kemudian' pada laman sosial dengan pelbagai taktik bagi mengumpan pelanggan, antaranya menggunakan nama ala Arab, memaparkan gambar gadis bertudung dan logo KWSP.
Tinjauan di beberapa laman media sosial mendapati pelanggan ditawarkan pinjaman antara RM5,000 hingga RM50,000 dengan jaminan bayaran pinjaman penuh dan kadar faedah 'berpatutan'.
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July 24, 2020 @ 12:12pm
KUALA LUMPUR: The Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) supports the move to reduce the price of masks to encourage more people to wear them.
Fomca deputy president Mohd Yusof Abdul Rahman said this would prevent suppliers, wholesalers or traders from taking advantage of the pricing.
He said the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry must monitor the price of face masks, as well as open up more channels for complaints by the public.
"There is a 15-day time frame until the enforcement period and the day the ceiling price is reduced. Many things could take place during that time.
"Consumers could check prices to ensure that they are not duped. They should channel their complaints to the authorities.
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23 JUL 2020 / 12:30 H.
THE government must ensure face masks are affordable if it wants to make wearing them in public areas mandatory, says Federation of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca).
Commenting on the prime minister’s special address on Monday in which he said the government was considering making mask usage compulsory, Fomca president Marimuthu Nadason said should this be implemented, the government must cap mask prices low enough that it would not be a burden to people.
“I believe this (making it mandatory for people to wear masks in public places) is the right measure to take, so that it becomes a habit for us.
“The only problem is that the government needs to control the prices of masks and ensure they are cheap, for example 50 sen or RM1 each,” Marimuthu was quoted by China Press as saying in its report yesterday.
Read more: Reduce prices of face masks before making them mandatory: Fomca
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22 Jul 2020, 4:27 pm
LETTER | Come October, after the brief moratorium on loans, all consumers will have to face the banks they have taken loans with. This will include those who have lost their jobs or had their incomes reduced. Daily wage earners or workers in the so-called "gig" economy will not be exempted.
It is indeed a challenging and painful period for many individuals and families. Firstly, they may already be facing the loss of employment and income, but what may be scarier is the uncertainty of the future in terms of job vacancies or income stability. They will have to meet the banks to renegotiate their loans.
Now more than ever is the time for banks to show compassionate banking. The concept is basically about the banking system acknowledging difficulties faced by borrowers in trying times.
It is the time for bankers to guide consumers and offer positive solutions and alternatives. It is not a time to send lawyers letters to demand immediate settlements.
Read more: Compassionate banking needed now more than ever - FOMCA
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